New Creations

Since we tried Plated’s “winter rolls” we’ve twice made our own versions, but last night’s were the best (also because I didn’t do any of the work – my love made me a vegan feast!). Our rolls included: tofu, rice noodles, fresh mint, butter lettuce, carrots, cucumber, and mango! They were super fresh tasting and insanely filling. On the side, he made us Inari (sushi rice stuffed into deep fried tofu bags). I seriously loved this dinner so much and could eat it every night!! 

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There are a few new services out there that allow you to order meals to have delivered directly to your front door. One of those services is called Plated. Essentially, you tell it the type of food you want (meat, vegetarian, vegan, allergies, etc.) and it shows you your options. You pick what you want and they deliver all the ingredients to you via FedEx Overnight – and the best part, they don’t charge for shipping.

A couple weeks ago, I ordered 2 vegan meals from them, based on a friend’s recommendation. Today, our meals arrived and we had one tonight and we’ll have the other tomorrow night. Tonight was: Winter Rolls with Wild Rice

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The “Winter Rolls” were pretty much Summer Rolls – not sure what made them Winter. – but at the same time I don’t know what Summer refers to either in Summer Rolls. Hehe. Anyway, the rolls were filled with Napa cabbage, fresh mint, and roasted carrots & beets. Alongside the rolls was a really yummy peanut citrus sauce. And finally, wild rice. Overall, a totally tasty meal and pretty simple to make. Their directions were easy to follow and the meal was very flavorful. I look forward to making our second meal tomorrow – which includes blackened tofu. Yum!

Go now and check out!
