So different now


I’m experiencing this intense revival of the emo music I used to listen to in the 90s and early 2000s. Let’s be honest, I never stopped listening to this stuff, but a couple friends went to the Wrecking Ball Festival in Atlanta this past week and their snapchats and various other styles of posts brought back a younger me. Their posts also brought out a fierce jealousy – will definitely need to take advantage and go to that next year. Also, Ben and I are preparing to move into our house (yes, we bought a damn house!) so I’m reorganizing our hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of CDs and came across these ones I made in college for myself with just endless mixes of emo music. This is what we did before iPods (but after cassettes), kids. So the past few days have been filled with awesome music, weird memories and tons of nostalgia. Today, I heard the above song come on by a total no-hit-wonder band out of Orange County called Smile. And it brought back a memory of spotting the lead singer at Target but being way too shy to go up and say anything to him. Hah!